2013年4月8日 星期一

Teamviewer QuickSupport

請小心閱讀以下簡介, 然後跟從下面 STEP 1 > STEP 2 > STEP 3去做!!!!
Please read it carefully and following the STEP 1>2>3 to do it!

Teamviewer QuickSupport 是一個免安裝及最快提供遠程 Remote 供 IT 人員遠程搖控你的電腦, 替你解決電腦的問題。
Teamviewer QuickSupport is free install and quick let the IT guy to remote your computer for fix problem.

在執行後會建立獨立 ID 及 Password,注意每次執行時 Password 均不會相同,當你關閉程式後Remote 功能便會停止,這是一次性的Remote。得到你的 ID 及 Password 後,請以Whatsapp、電郵通知 IT 人員,讓對方可以遠程搖控你的電腦。注意通知後不要關閉程式,否則Remote Session將會終止,對方不能再搖控!
After run the program, it will generate the ID & Password, each time you run the program the password will not same, once you close the program, the session will be closed and IT guy never can access again, so once you run the program please (whatsapp or phone call the IT guy the ID and password)

STEP 1. ---  Download the Teamviewer Quick Support
http://download.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.exe <<< For Windows User
http://download.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.dmg <<< For Apple Mac User

STEP 2. --- After run will show the following screen! 執行後會出現下圖!
The following screen is "picture" and sample, so dont give me the picture ID and Password : )

註:執行其間出現任何問題,請回答 “是”,“執行”!
PS : When run the program and it ask you any question, just click "YES" or "Run"

啟動後,約數秒便會出現 "ID" 及 "Password",請告訴 IT 人你的 ID 及 Password, 同時請不要關閉這個視窗。
After Run, just take few second, it will pop up "ID" & "Password", just let the IT guy know just ID & Password, and keep the windows open.

請注意必需保持第二點所見的視窗保持開啟及等待遠程搖控, 請勿關閉視窗, 當關閉視窗後IT人員便不能再Remote

官方網址 :http://www.teamviewer.com

