2015年11月13日 星期五

Domain Group Policy Deploy Printer for all client PC

First we should install the printer on Windows Server and share the printer

For good to management, you should plan the printer name and share name, if you have two hp Laserjet 1320 printer, every printer you should assign the name such as "PRINTER01" and "PRINTER02" for difference printer.

For Example : (If you not desire the good name, after your company grow and have a lot of printer, you will need to change back the name, it will make you crazy)
PRINTER01 - hp LaserJet 1320 PCL6
PRINTER01 - hp LaserJet (For Account Statement Format)

Click "Sharing", share name use p_printer01 for starting, other you can use p_printer01_a, etc...
(about the permission, here will not explain too much, please search on google)

Remember Additional Drivers should installed x64 & x86 for difference OS

You should preset the printer before deploy it, once computer connected it will assign all setting.

Advanced page > Printing Defaults


Open the Group Policy Management > Click "Default Domain Policy" > right hand side click "settings"

Right click mouse and click "Edit"

Here have two method to connect the printer, First is using Deploy Printer and Second is Connect to Printer

Method 1 : (Caution it will become many trouble if you change printer/share name)
 - Client can't delete the printer
 - If someone on server rename the printer/share name, change drive may cause client computer can't remove the deployed printer, if will hard to fix if you got a lot of client machine, so you should very understand what are you do on this method.

Under Group Policy > User Configuration > Windows Settings > Depolyed Printers > Click "Deploy Printer"

Type the link and add, then click "OK", after computer restart and login, it will connected and auto install the driver on client machine.

Remark :
 - Client Computer should no right to remove deployed printer
 - If you remove deployed printer on Policy, all client should automatically remove printer on client machine, the driver will still leave on client machine.
 - If you need to change the printer/share name, you should create a new share printer and deploy a new printer, don't just change name on printer, it will loss connection.
 - If printer is gone or replaced new printer, you can remove deployed printer on policy, but i suggest don't delete and change printer/share name, just leave here and keep at least a year to make sure all client machine is removed deployed printer.

Method 2 : 
 - Easy to management, user allow to delete the printer
 - Client Machine can't get driver for server, so if your computer does not have same driver installed, the printer will not connect.

Under Group Policy > User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Printers > Right Click "New" > "Shared Printer"

Action "Create", Type the Share name and OK

 Remark :
 - This is same as you type \\my-vms01\p_printer01 on CTRL+R, but it will always connect after login the computer even you delete the printer.
 - You should already installed the printer driver on computer else it will not work and prompt the driver install screen.

2015年11月10日 星期二

File Replication Services Ntfrs Error / Domain can't sync SYSVOL

 - Already have Windows 2003 Domain Controller, add one Windows 2008 R2 and promo to Active Directory, Event show Ntfrs error can't sync SYSVOL.
 - 新加入2008 R2的Domain Controller到2003 Domain Controller上,但發現SYSVOL無法同步,\\servername\ 沒有sysvol等資料夾

Resolution (The following action is same, but came from difference website, Point 3 will easy to understand)
1. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/5a4b3647-0641-4a1a-9389-154d92b44730/the-file-replication-service-is-having-trouble-enabling-replication?forum=winserverDS

2. http://www.eventid.net/display.asp?eventid=13508&eventno=349&source=ntfrs&phase=1

3. http://www.squidworks.net/2011/09/ntfrs-journal-wrap-errors-detected-on-domain-controller/

2015年9月7日 星期一

Difference Firewall NAT & Port Forwarding Flow


Sonicwall should configure Firewall Access Rules & Network NAT Policies :

For Example : Port Forwarding Terminal Services Port 3389

Firewall Access Rules :
 - Should Create a rules, you can assign Incoming Source is any or specific IP

Network NAT Policies
 - Translate the WAN IP to LAN IP, specific the Terminal Services
 - WAN IP translated to "Avenue.Voice" PC only Terminal Services
   ( Remark : "Avenue.Voice" is address objects )
 - You also can translate the Port, For Example 8240 translate to "Avenue.Copier" Port 8000

2015年8月31日 星期一

DVI Connector information

DVI full name is Digital Visual Interface

What is DVI-A, DVI-I and DVI-D, what is the difference?
 - DVI-A is support analog only.
 - DVI-D is support Digital only, you only can use adaptor to change HDMI or Display Port only.
 - DVI-I is support Digital and Analog.

Single Link vs Dual Link
 - Single Link support 1920 × 1200 (WUXGA) @ 60 Hz
 - Dual Link support 2560 × 1600 (WQXGA) @ 60 Hz or 1920 × 1200 (WUXGA) @ 120 Hz
 - Analog video stream: 1920 × 1200 (WUXGA) @ 60 Hz

 - HDMI is newer interface and it include Video & Audio Signal, DVI only support Video Signal.

DVI Cable Length Limited
 - 15 feet (1920x1200) to 50 feet (1280x1020)

2015年8月11日 星期二

Upgrade to Windows 10 downgrade to Windows 7 / 8

不小心升級了Windows 10,原來可輕鬆地還原回前一個版本。

限制 : 
 - 升級一個月內可以還原回Windows 7 / 8
 - 如Windows 10內作出左大量使用者帳戶的修改可能會導致不能還原

注意 : 
 - Windows 升級時會把原有的Windows, Program Files & User folder存放到Windows.old資料夾內,如內裹資料被刪除會不能還原
 - 升級時本來的使用者內的所有資料會遷移到新的Windows Profile內,當Downgrade時會把資料遷移回舊Windows Profile內,但請事先備份Profile內的所有資料,我已試過還原時Profile內的資料全數失踪。

Source From : http://www.howtogeek.com/220723/how-to-uninstall-windows-10-and-downgrade-to-windows-7-or-8.1/

1. Press Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery >  "Get Started" for Go Back to Windows 7/8

2. Waiting "Getting things ready", if can't start, it will tell you the reason and you should follow up the instruction to fix the problem. (e.g. such as you add the new user on windows 10.)

3. Waiting restore to Windows 7 / 8.

2015年7月9日 星期四

Sonicwall [Guest authentication / Captive Portal] Configuration Flow & Guide

Sonicwall Guess services allow you to force wire & wireless connection to accept terms or login for internet access

1. First you should setup interface port for the connection (for example we using X4 port)

2. configure the DHCP for X4 interface

3. Create a new zone assign to X4 interface

4. Enable the Guest services.

remark : if you just want client to accept terms with out authentication, you can click "Enable Policy Page without authentication", configure button you can modify the terms detail.

5. Configure the Guest Services.

6.  Base on services you can mass generate account and print the ticket.

7. Guest status you will see all connected session.

8. After connect the Wire / Wireless, open the browse you will get the login page.

9. If you enable no authentication will direct show terms, once the wireless is off, the session will remove around 15-30mins

Remark :

You should check your Sonicwall maximum connection for guest.

2015年7月2日 星期四

How to add / renew Office 365 by Volume License Paper

For new purchase and renew you have two options

1. Purchase Online (Pay by Credit Card for Month or Year)
2. Purchase Volume License (Purchase from Vendor / Partners)
   *** first time redeem code please click this link https://portal.office.com/Commerce/ProductKeyStart.aspx?ms.officeurl=setup365

Volume License renew can change to use credit card, temporary i still don't know how to change credit card renew to volume license key, i should waiting the term end date to try the options..

How long about Volume license purchase process
Purchase the volume license, Vendor/Partners just take within few working hours to place the order from Microsoft, user will get the following e-mail for activate the product, actually almost next working day you will got the license from e-mail.

Start the Activation Process

Step 1. - After order the license, you will receive above mail, you can click "Please click here to get started with your online service."

Step 2. - Check your Organization Name if correct, click the below "Sign-in with your domain name"

Step 3. - You will see the following product key, please copy and paste copy the product key, don't use "Start Activation"

 Step 4. - https://portal.office.com/admin/default.aspx << Sign-in Admin Portal, on Left Panel select "Billing" > "Subscription", select the subscription you wish to renew, on right panel click "Renew or add user license"

Step 5. -  Choose "Use a new and unused product key"

Step 6. - Enter the product key

Step 7. - You can renew current subscription or add 1 user license, the following will explain more about the difference.

Add new user license on existing subscription can apply on the following situration :
 - This is a way to change online payment back to volume license 
 - Add new user license and make all license as same term end date, you can check the picture description how to calculate the service month if you add the new license.

Renew your subscription just is renew only.

2015年6月15日 星期一

Wireless Spec

Wireless 規格分為 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n 及 ac ,主要分別都是速度。

Wi-Fi使用的radio frequency頻段為2.4GHz或者5GHz,簡單整理成下表:
Max PHY Rate
2.4 / 5GHz
150Mbps(40MHz * 1MIMO)
600Mbps(40MHz * 4MIMO)
200Mbps(40MHz * 1MIMO)
433.3Mbps(80MHz * 1MIMO)
866.7Mbps(160MHz * 1MIMO)


以下將細談 802.11n 的設定及選擇...

 - IEEE802.11n 是支援2.4Ghz及5Ghz 頻道而 802.11ac 只支援5Ghz頻道
 - Wireless N 有 MIMO功能,2.4Ghz可使每支天線達到150Mbps的傳輸速度,簡單來講,雙天線可以有300Mpbs速度,3天線有450Mpbs速度,而5Ghz可使每支天線達到300Mbps的傳輸速度,雙天線就有600Mpbs速度。***
 - 2.4Ghz與5Ghz的優點缺點是2.4Ghz有長遠的距離,而5Ghz則有大的頻寛速度較快,但5Ghz的穿透力很弱。
 - 在2.4Ghz即使有3天線450Mpbs速度由於香港密度太高四圍都是Router,2.4Ghz Wi-Fi Router重疊基本上行到穏定的40-50Mbps已經十分難得。最好使用DualBand 5Ghz或AC 5Ghz頻道,最小應該都可以達致100Mbps傳輸速度。

*** 注意這是頻寛速度,假如你的Router有4天線600Mpbs速度,家裹有10個設備使用Wi-Fi,600Mpbs是這十個設備的總頻寛,而並不是每個設備均可以同一時間有600Mpbs上下載速度。

N Data Rate Speed, 有些Router可以選擇MCS速度,一般為Auto。
Data rate (Mbit/s)
20 MHz channel40 MHz channel
800 ns GI400 ns GI800 ns GI400 ns GI


2015年6月4日 星期四

CSS Page can't be display ( Skype Login Page Broken / Windows 10 Reserve Broken )

Sample , if you got the following problem, please download this file and apply it, merge to registry, close and open it again, it will back to normal

2015年3月6日 星期五

Where can i find my OSA key

1. Sign in your Volume Licensing Service Center, if you do not have the account, please sign up now.

2. Please make sure you already add the license to your account, you can click Licenses > Relationship Summary > then click Add Open License to add the license

3. Click Online Service Activation, select the License ID and click Manage Activations 

4. click Sign-in with xxxxxxx.xxx << Your domain

5. You can find your OSA key and you can click "Start Activation" to activate your product, or try redeem instruction.

If you got any problem for Microsoft Volume Licensing, you can contact Microsoft Volume Licensing Support

2015年3月5日 星期四

How to Activate Your Office 365

1. Go to https://portal.office.com/commerce/productkeystart.aspx

2. Click the box that you are acknowledge and got permission to be the Office 365 administrator for the organization, then click on Start.
3. Enter the OSA key from the step one, then click on Next.

Where can i find my OSA key?

4. click done adding product keys

5.       click start step 2

6.       You can set up your new Office 365 account or click sign in to login existing account

2015年3月4日 星期三

TP-Link WPA271KIT HomePlug Information

Create a Powerline network using the Pair button

You can connect a number of devices on a powerline network, but you can use the Pair button on only two devices at a time.

Step 1. Press and hold the Pair button of Powerline device A TL-PA211 for 3 to 8 seconds, the Power LED will start flashing.

Step 2. Press and hold the Pair button of Powerline device B TL-WPA281 for 1 second, the Power LED will start flashing. (This must be done within 120 seconds after pressing the Pair button of Powerline device A.)

Step 3. Wait for about 60 seconds while your Powerline device A and B are connecting. The Power LED on both devices will stop flashing and become solid light when the connection is made.

Join an existing Powerline Network:

Powerline device A and Powerline device B form a HomeplugAV Network, and Powerline device C wants to join this network.

Step 1. Press and hold the Pair button on Powerline device C TL-PA211 for 3 to 8 seconds.

Step 2. Press and hold the Pair button on Powerline device A/B for 1 second/3 to 8 seconds. (This step must be taken within 120 seconds after step 1 is finished.)

Step 3. Wait for about 60 seconds while your Powerline devices are connecting. The Power LED on Powerline device A/B and C will stop flashing and become solid light when the connection is made.

Leave an existing Powerline Network: 

As the figure above shows, Powerline device A, B and C have formed a HomeplugAV Network. The user wants to remove one device (Powerline adapter C) from this network.

Step 1. Press and hold the Pair button on Powerline device C for at least 10 seconds. Powerline device C will reset and restart.

Step 2. Wait for the reset to complete.

To reset the Powerline device:

Press and hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds, and then release the button. You will see all LEDs begin to flash. At this moment, the default settings have been restored. Be careful, don’t power off when the device is in reset process.